Sharon Taphorn today – Choices

Sometimes if you take a minute and look at things, you see there is a possibility or better options or choices that are available to you that you had not seen previously. Keep your eyes on the prize and keep your balance and be open to compromise as sometimes when you work together, you get the best answers. Together you are stronger and learning to support and nurture one another is important. Knowing there is enough for all helps you to want for more for those around you as well as yourself and this is becoming an understanding and reality of the empowered.

It is time to move forward with determination and self-control as that will allow for the advancement you desire for yourself and your growth. Acknowledge the successes of others as this new beginning will attract that success to you and this change will help to bring about the changes you desire and a happy and rewarding life. Remember that success comes from objective compromise and following your heart, be patient, the rewards you seek are there and coming, are you preparing to receive them? Be open and allowing.

Affirmation: “I keep my eyes on the prize as I see the results of my work manifesting in my reality.”

And so it is

Today I am grateful for my glasses – may they rest in pieces :o)

In 2011 I was homeless. Cocoa - Furby - Honey

Me and my two large dogs lived about 2 months in a parking lot, in a car that didn’t run.

When I was homeless, one of my biggest fears, and there were a LOT of them, but one of my biggest fears was breaking my glasses.

EVERY – SINGLE – TIME that I dropped my glasses and they DIDN’T break, the relief and gratitude that washed over me was indescribable.

Such a GIFT I had been given, each time that my glasses did not break. — If you can’t really see, how do you go on to even the next MINUTE of your life? How do you even go about walking into a 7-11 to go to the bathroom without your glasses, much less go about finding a way to get them fixed or replaced with no money? Every time I bumped them or dropped them, I held my breath. And every time, they didn’t break.

And every time I was SO, VERY, VERY GRATEFUL 😀

I am currently grateful and blessed to have a temporary place to live.

And even now, when I drop my glasses, I hold my breath, but the terror is not there. And I am very grateful for that.

. . . This morning, in my temporary kitchen, I took off my glasses, washed my face and decide to wipe my lenses with the damp towel that I dried my face with, and the metal frame of my glasses gently snapped in my hands, and the lens fell out.

It was like an old friend ‘passing’ quietly in my arms. A friend who has had my back for years, without faltering or abandoning me. My glasses have been like a fellow soldier in my war against my own homelessness. Their good job is now done and I can’t tell you how grateful I am for their ‘service’.

I am so grateful that they stayed strong for me when I needed them most.
And the torch will be passed.

❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn – Happy Day!

smiley-face1You have some wonderful ideas and it is time to put your thoughts into action and create what is in your heart. Expect a fantastic day and that is what will happen. This does not mean that you won’t see things you don’t want, or that some things won’t tug at your heart strings. It means that all things are truly perfect and as they should be. Let go of your concerns or your expectations on how things will occur and just expect them to get better from here.

Let this signify the end of a difficult time and perhaps revise some plans. Trust that there is more going on than you can see and trust that things are going to work out for the best, and for the good of ALL, and that includes you. Trust that you are being led to something better and let go of that which doesn’t serve you or your growth. Learn what you can from the experience and move on so that you can feel happy and have more happy, fun-filled days of joy and satisfaction.

Remember to look for the joy or the gift from each experience so that you can move forward. Complete the cycles at hand, because you are moving on to something more meaningful.

Affirmation: I am having a wonderful day filled with joy, peace and satisfaction. Life is a grand adventure!”

And so it is

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Priorities

Choose wisely for yourself on how and where you spend your time and money. Invest wisely in your now as these are the very things that will create the future you desire. The actions you choose today cause the rippling effect of what you desire for yourself so take the time to decide what and where to put your energy and trust that what you need will come your way.

Even if you are unsure what to do, by spending your time focusing on what is most important, you are creating a vortex of energy that helps to draw this to you. Focus upon your strengths to help you get things done. Use the power of the Law of Attraction to help you draw to you what you need and desire. Whatever you choose to focus upon or put your intention into will be magnified, therefore choose wisely for yourself.

Break your projects down into groups or tasks as these make them easier to work on and helps you see the tangible results of your time and effort and helps you to keep things stable and is a more efficient use of your time than trying to do too many things at once. Everything that is important to you will get done when you are ready and the timing is right. What is most important is that you take charge and keep things moving forward.

Express yourself and your desires with an open mind and open heart. Success often comes when you are open to co-operation and sometimes compromise. Don’t give up on your dreams and desires, trust that it is all unfolding as it should.

As you become more aware and sensitive to the energy around you and how you can use these skills to help you, you will find that you are receiving the messages, information and knowledge that you need. Take the time to go within and connect with your still wise centre and you will know what to do when you need to. If you are feeling stressed out, take a deep breath and ask your angels and guides to consul you. Each and every one of you has an entourage of light beings who want to help you, they are just waiting for you to take the time to ask and then listen to the promptings of spirit.

Remember to view yourself, your life and others with compassion and love. If at any time you find yourself feeling and thinking poorly about your life, focus upon your strengths and your priorities and know that the perfect outcome is awaiting you, just trust and believe that it is so. Use the power of desired affirmations to help you or find something else to focus upon while you get your bearings and get yourself back on an even keel.

You are a beautiful spark of Creator Light.
You are worthy and deserving of all that is beautiful and wonderful.
Trust that this is so and work on what is most important to you and follow your heart.

And so it is

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn – Today I Claim My Power!

It is within you to accomplish anything that you put your mind and heart into. You are a powerful co-creator with The Divine and your angel guidance is to open yourself up and let your power be your base and your wisdom be your guide.

Find your still, quiet centre, then heal any thoughts and feelings of less than, any anger or disappointment that you are holding onto deep in your heart. As you purify your thoughts and feelings, you will find it easier to rely on your own powers of discernment and you can make better choices for yourself.

Spend some time in contemplation and meditate upon what you truly desire. You have the ability to create anything you make a commitment to and when you aim for a vision without any doubt, it will succeed. Nothing is more powerful than focused energy combined with your inner strength, self worth and spiritual confidence.

Claim your power today. Aim high and know that you are supported along the way.

Affirmation: “I am a powerful co-creator with the Divine. I am committed to my vision of what I wish to create for myself and my world. Because I am at peace and I am confident, I am powerful.”

And so it is.

Sharon Taphorn - Power

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn – Unlimited Potential

Take a look around and see if you can’t see something entirely new and perfect for you coming your way. Don’t get bogged down in the details and then caught up in the mental energy of the 3D world. Remember that you too are spirit and that there are many opportunities from which to choose, and all have unlimited potential if you believe that you are worthy, which of course you are.

Be open to receive help from others as you do not have to, or need to, do it alone. Together you are so much stronger and this keeps all in the balance of giving and receiving. Embrace these gifts and the changes as they come to you. Know that they are helping you find the a way.

It is important to be yourself and to release any fears that hold you back. Your trust in your psychic insights adds power to your fire. Take the actions you feel guided toward and you will see the results you desire.

Affirmation: My life is filled with unlimited potential and I trust in the actions I feel guided toward.”

Careful where you point that thing!

Dominion over all things doesn’t come with age, spirituality, or even gratitude. You were born with it, and you use it every moment, of every day, whenever you say, “I will . . I am . . I have . .”

And for that matter, whenever you say, “It’s hard . . I’m lost . . I don’t know.”

Life’s not about finding your power. It’s about learning how to use it.

. . . Careful where you point that thing!

– The Universe